Friday 22 January 2021

Memahami Simple Present Verbal Sentence dengan mudah


Pada Postingan sebelumnya kita telah mengupas  Simple Present Tense untuk kalimat nominal, Pada chapter 2 ini kita akan discuss kalimat verbal. Seperti yang sudah disinggung dalam penjelasan singkat chapter sebelumnya, bahwa kalimat verbal  menekankan pada suatu action atau tindakan yang menggunakan kata kerja (verb). Secara umum bentuk kalimat verbal dapat dijelaskan dalam pola sebagai berikut:

Verbal sentences, Grammar, Simple Present


1.      (+) They play badminton in the afternoon.

(-) They  do not play badminton in the afternoon.

(?) Do they play badminton in the afternoon? Yes, they do. No, they do not (don’t).

      Where do they play badminton in the afternoon? They play it in the badminton court.

2.      (+) Shinta usually makes a bowl of noodle once a week.

(-) Shinta does not make a bowl of noodle once a week.

(?) Does Shinta make a bowl of noodle once a week? Yes, She does. No, She does not            (doesn’t)

     Why does she  make a bowl of noodle?She makes  a bowl of  noodle  because she is           hungry.



Dalam kalimat negatif dan pertanyaan pada subjek: he, she, it, kata kerja (verb) kembali ke bentuk pertama tanpa imbuhan s/es.


Ketentuan penambahan imbuhan –s/es:

-          Jika kata kerja berakhiran –sh, -ch, -o, -s,  z, dan –x maka ditambah –es:

Wash – washes

Watch – watches

Go – goes

Kiss – kisses


Box – boxes

-          Jika kata kerja berakhiran –y dan huruf sebelumnya adalah konsonan maka –y diganti dengan  –i, sehingga menjadi –ies:

Study – studies

Fly – flies

Cry – cries

-          Jika kata kerja berakhiran –y dan huruf sebelumnya adalah vokal maka cukup menambahkan imbuhan –s saja:

Play – plays

Stay – stays

Say – says

Adverb of time yang biasa digunakan: Everyday, every Sunday, In the morning, in in the afternoon, on Sundays, once a week, once a month, etc.

Adverb of frequency yang biasa digunakan: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom/rarely, never, dan generally.


Let’s Speak up!

A.    She always gets up at half past four.

Mr. Imron  : What time does Zahra gets up?

Rizki          : She always gets up at half past four in the morning.

Mr.            Imron : Does she pray for Shubuh then?

Rizki          : No, she doesn’t. She usually takes a bath first before praying shubuh.



B.     Father does not eat Jengkol

Irma           : What does your father like to eat, San?

Santi          : He likes eating with Pete.

Irma           : Does he likes Jengkol too?

Santi          : No, He does not eat Jengkol anyway.


C.    Do they love their country?

Fatih          : Today is the hero’s day, isn’t it?

Furqon       : Yes, your right. It is the tenth of November.

Fatih          : There are many Indonesian heroes having sacrified their souls and wealth for                     this beloved contry.

Furqon       : Do they love their country?

Fatih          : Absolutely, They do love their country. They have already struggled for us.

Furqon       : Let’s fill in  this independence day by devoting ourselves to this country.

Fatih          :  Certainly.

Demikian postingan Part 2 Simple Present tense untuk kalimat verbal, semoga bermanfaat bagi para pengunjung tercinta. Salam sukses berjama’ah. Amin.

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