Monday 3 January 2022

Chapter VIII - They are made in Indonesia

Passive voice atau kalimat pasif  merupakan lawan kata atau kebalikan dari Active sentence atau kalimat aktif. Untuk merubah dari kalimat aktif ke pasif tidak sembarangan kata kerja dapat digunakan. Hanya kata kerja transitif saja, untuk kata kerja intransitif tidak dapat digunakan.  Materi Passive voice ini dibahas di Kelas 9. Berikut ini penulis akan discuss Passive voice dalam Simple Present, present continuous, past tense, PresentPerfect dan Modal auxiliaries.


Passive voice in Simple Present
Pattern: Be (am, is, are) + V3(Past Participle)
-          Mother eat a banana. (Active)
A banana is eaten by mother. (Passive)
-          They always feed the cats
The cats are always fed by them

Passive voice in Present Continuous
Pattern: Be (am, is, are) + being + V3
-          We are cutting the trees now.
The trees are being cut by us now.
-          Father is reading a newspaper at the moment.
A newspaper is being read by father at the moment.

Passive Voice in Past tense
Pattern: Be (was/were) + V3
-          He played football yesterday.
Football was played by him yesterday.
-          She cooked two plates of rice last night.
Two plates of rice were cooked by her last night.

Passive voice in Present Perfect
Pattern: has/have + been + V3
-          I have written a letter
A letter has been written by me.
-          Nissa Sabyan has already sung Ya Maulana and Deen Assalam
Ya Maulana and Deen Assalam have already been sung by Nissa Sabyan.

Modal Auxiliaries : Can, will, must
Pattern: Can/will/must + be + V3
-          Puja Syarma can sing Ya Nabi Salam Alaika very well.
Ya Nabi Salam Alaika can be sung Puja Syarma very well.
-          Unce and Aunt will visit Grandma
Grandma will be visited by Uncle and Aunt.
-          The students must obey the school rules.
The school rules must be obeyed by the students.

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